19058x HealBot\HealBot_Aura.lua:1035: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value) [string "@HealBot\HealBot_Aura.lua"]:1035: in function `HealBot_Aura_SetBuffIcon' [string "@HealBot\HealBot_Aura.lua"]:1407: in function `HealBot_Aura_CheckUnitBuff' [string "@HealBot\HealBot_Aura.lua"]:1494: in function [string "@HealBot\HealBot_Aura.lua"]:1548: in function `HealBot_Aura_CheckUnitBuffs' [string "@HealBot\HealBot-"]:3946: in function `HealBot_FastBuffQueue' [string "@HealBot\HealBot-"]:4011: in function `HealBot_OnUpdate' [string "*:OnUpdate"]:1: in function <[string "*:OnUpdate"]:1> Locals: (*temporary) = { 2012976party3 =
{ } 2015357player =
{ } 2010901player =
{ } 2010220nil =
{ } 2027681player =
{ } 2010220party4 =
{ } 2021564player =
{ } 2010929player =
{ } } (*temporary) = nil (*temporary) = 21564 (*temporary) = nil (*temporary) = "attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)" hbCustomBuffsDisabled =
{ 12042 =
{ } 6117 =
{ } 1463 =
{ } Mage Armor =
{ } Focused Will =
{ } 7302 =
{ } 33763 =
{ } Power Word: Shield =
{ } 604 =
{ } 17 =
{ } Ice Barrier =
{ } 19750 =
{ } 12051 =
{ } 498 =
{ } Blessing of Sacrifice =
{ } Dampen Magic =
{ } 22842 =
{ } 22812 =
{ } 19752 =
{ } 8936 =
{ } Ice Block =
{ } 168 =
{ } Flash of Light =
{ } 45438 =
{ } Ardent Defender =
{ } 642 =
{ } Divine Shield =
{ } 31850 =
{ } Mana Shield =
{ } Regrowth =
{ } Mend Pet =
{ } Divine Favor =
{ } 774 =
{ } 30482 =
{ } Lifebloom =
{ } 136 =
{ } 20216 =
{ } 1044 =
{ } Blessing of Freedom =
{ } 6940 =
{ } 29166 =
{ } Frenzied Regeneration =
{ } Divine Intervention =
{ } 19263 =
{ } Frost Armor =
{ } Ice Armor =
{ } Deterrence =
{ } Arcane Power =
{ } Innervate =
{ } Barkskin =
{ } 130 =
{ } 45242 =
{ } Slow Fall =
{ } Molten Armor =
{ } Divine Protection =
{ } Evocation =
{ } 11426 =
{ } Rejuvenation =
{ } } uaSpellId = 21564 HealBot_Aura_luVars =
{ InRaid = false hbInsName = "Hellfire Ramparts" cureOffCd = true TankUnit = "x" prevIconCount = 0 prevBuffIconCount = 2 FadeTimeDiv = 16.875000 BuffFadeTimeDiv = 16.875000 IgnoreFastDurDebuffsSecs = -1 } uaName = "Prayer of Fortitude" generalBuffs = true HealBot_ExcludeBuffInCache =
{ =
{ } =
{ } } buffAuraCache =
{ 2012976party3 =
{ } 2015357player =
{ } 2010901player =
{ } 2010220nil =
{ } 2027681player =
{ } 2010220party4 =
{ } 2021564player =
{ } 2010929player =
{ } } HealBot_AuraBuffIconCache =
{ party3 =
{ } nil =
{ } party4 =
{ } player =
{ } } uaUnitCaster = "nil" uaCount = 1 uaExpirationTime = 0 buffSort =
{ }