====== Plugins Media tab ====== ===== Summary ===== The Media plugin allows managing texture, fonts and sounds, to reduce unwanted media from HealBot itself. [[https://healbot.dpm15.net/hb-plugins/528-hb-media|Download link]] ===== Options ===== * **Enable plugin** - When a plugin exists in your addons folder and is loaded, it can still be shutdown from within HealBot options. * **Global profile** - Use current settings on all characters, uncheck to use on the Player only. * **Top right text and button** - Text shows texture name, button will Enable/Disable the currently selected texture. * **Top left text and button** - Text shows font name, button will Enable/Disable the currently selected font. * **Texture** - Use the slider to scroll through all textures available in your environment. * **Font** - Use the slider to scroll through all fonts available in your environment. * **Sound** - Use the slider to scroll through all sounds available in your environment. * **Sound button** - The button will Enable/Disable the currently selected sound. * **Bottom text and buttons** - Display status of current media with buttons to Enable All/Disable All {{ :options:plugins:media-logo.jpg?nolink |}}