====== Skins Frames Bars Sort tab ======
===== Summary =====
The Bars Sort tab allows for sorting the bars for each Heal Group within the frames
===== Options =====
* **Main Sort** - Organise how bars are sorted in frames based on the dropdown selected
* **Sort out of range last** - This option is good for raids that split players, by sorting the out of range last
* **Sub sort** - Organise how bars are sub sorted
* **Sub Sort - Self First** - Sort self to the top of the list
* **Own pet: with self** - Place your own pet in the Self heal group, ensure Self is turned on and high up in the Heal Groups list
* **Pets: Groups of five** - Treat pets as being in groups of five
On the Pets Frame - //Own pet: with self// and //Pets:Groups of five// is enabled instead of //Sub Sort - Self First//
This tab is not available for the Target and Focus frames
//Sub Sort - Self First// also applies to Main sort when sorting by Name or Max health
{{ :options:skins:frames:bars:skins-frames-bar-sort.jpg?nolink |}}