====== Skins General tab ======
===== Summary =====
The skins general tab is where general settings for each skins is set.
Hide frame settings on this tab can be overridden on the [[options:overrides:frames|Overrides Frames tab]].
===== Options =====
* **Skin default for** - Set when the skin is displayed.
* **Sticky Frames** - Frames can be stuck to any frame higher up in the frame list.
* **Group/Raid member enters combat** - Select what happening when another player enters combat and your still out of combat.
* **Mouse not over frames - Opacity reduction** - Reduce the frames opacity when the mouse moves away from the frame.
* **Always run events** - Keep hidden blizzard frames up to date, only useful when regularly toggling blizzard frames.
* **Hide party frames** - Hide the standard blizzard party frames.
* Include player and target - Also hide the standard blizzard player and target frames.
* **Hide focus frame** - Hide the standard blizzard focus frame.
* **Hide mini boss frames** - Hide the standard blizzard boss frames.
* **Hide raid frames** - Hide the standard blizzard raid frames.
See [[using:stickyframes|Sticky Frames]] for more help on using this option.
The **Skin default for** setting is per character and not per skin.
{{ :options:skins:skins-general.jpg?nolink |}}