====== Plugin Threat Bars tab ====== ===== Summary ===== The threat bars tab is where the look and size of bars is set\\ For additional textures see [[guides:addons|Recommended addons]] ===== Options ===== * **Raid colour** - Set the colour of the raid bars, when custom is used click on the Custom bar to set the colour * **Tank colour** - Set the colour of the tank bars, when custom is used click on the Custom bar to set the colour * **My colour** - Set the colour of your bar, when custom is used click on the Custom bar to set the colour * **Opacity** - Set the transparency of the bars * **Max bars** - Set the maximum number of bars that can be displayed, NOTE: This includes the mobs * **Texture** - Select the texture for all bars * **Height** - Set the height of each bar * **Row spacer** - Set the space between each row * **Minimum threat** - Set the minimum threat a player must have before a bar is added to the frame * **Mob bar colour** - Click on the bar to set the mob bar colour {{ :options:plugins:threat:hbthreat-options-bars.jpg?nolink |}}