====== Skins Effects tab ====== ===== Summary ===== The skins effects tab allows setting visual effects that can be applied to the bars. Settings on this tab can be overridden on the [[options:overrides:effects|Overrides Effects tab]]. ===== Options ===== __Fluid Bars__ Fluid Bars has the effect of moving the bar up/down when values such as health changes. * **Use** - Use fluid bars. * **Refresh Speed** - Controls how fast the bar updates. * **Include colour and alpha** - Bar updates due to colour and opacity changes are done in a fluid motion. __Hot Bars__ Hot Bars has the effect of highlighting bars by dimming non hot bars. * **Min Health threshold** - Mark bars as hot when health is below the threshold. * **Debuff Priority threshold** - Mark bars as hot when the debuff priority is at or higher than the threshold. * **Non Hot Bars - Opacity reduction** - Opacity reduction of non hot bars. __Health Drop Alert__ Health Drop Alert has the effect of flashing the whole frame when health drop by the set amount. * **Uses** - Use health drop alerts. * **Alert threshold** - Flash the frame when a single health event results in the health dropping over the threshold. * **Flash speed** - Controls how fast the flash effect lasts. __Focus Groups__ Focus groups allows healers to focus on specific groups when required, this is done by dimming or removing unfocused groups. * **Use focus groups** - Select ''OFF'', ''ON: Fade unfocused groups'' or ''ON: Hide unfocused groups''. * **Focus group numbers** - Select the groups to be in focus. * **Unfocused groups - Opacity reduction** - When ''ON: Fade unfocused groups'' is used, use the slider to set the dimming of unfocused groups. __Variable Opacity__ Variable Opacity only applied to Auxiliary Bars and has the effect of making the bar flash. * **Set Aux Bar Opacity Type** - Short cut to the Aux bar configuration tab. * **Flash frequency** - Set the speed the aggro bars flash. * Flash opacity **min** - The minimum opacity. * Flash opacity **max** - The maximum opacity. {{ :options:skins:skins-effects.jpg?nolink |}}