Skins Frames Bars Aux tab


The Skins Frames Bars Aux tab allows for setting various auxiliary bars for displaying power, threat, aggro and lots more.


Auxiliary Bar Settings

  • Extent Aux bars size - Extend the size of the vertical or horizontal auxiliary bars when auxiliary bars exist on both the left or right and above or below the health bar.
  • Aux Bar n - Set the assignment for auxiliary bars.

Auxiliary Bar Configuration

  • Individual Bar Configuration - Select the auxiliary bar to configure.
  • Anchor - Set the anchor, this can be relative to the health bar or another auxiliary bar.
  • Bar colour - Set the colour of the auxiliary bar.
    • Auto - buffs/debuffs will used the assigned colours on the buff/debuffs tab, aggro will be red, threat will be yellow and so on.
    • Class - The class of the player.
    • Custom - click on the Custom bar to set the colour.
  • Show mana only - When Power is assigned to the Aux bar, this option is available to filter out non mana power types.
  • Opacity Type - Fixed will be a fixed opacity, variable will create a flash effect and custom allows for setting a constant custom opacity.
  • Custom opacity - When the Opacity type is set to custom, use the slider to set the custom opacity value.
  • Size - Size relative to the health bar, for vertical bars this is the height and for horizontal bars this is the width.
  • Depth - Size of the bar, for vertical bars this is the width and for horizontal bars this is the height.
  • Offset - The offset relative to the anchor.
Variable opacity settings are found on the Overrides Effects tab.